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Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question for us?

Skills Lab is happy to answer any questions about our courses.

You will likely find the answer below in our FAQs list, but should you require further information please feel free to contact us directly. 

How do I apply for a qualification?

You can apply by selecting the ‘enquire now’, button below the summary of the course you are interested in on the Skills Lab web page. We will contact you to discuss the course you are interested in and supply you with our enrolment pack that you can return to us at training@skillslab.com.au

How will I know whether my application has been successful?

If your application is successful, we will send you an email containing an enrolment acceptance letter and a statement of fees. You will need to sign and return the documents in the Student Handbook to confirm your enrolment.

What if my application is unsuccessful?

If your application is unsuccessful you will receive an email from us stating the reasons why you cannot be accepted into the course. The email will also contain details of alternative qualification(s) you might like to consider.

If you do not agree with our decision you can appeal it by following our appeals process. For more information please see our Complaints Policy available on our website.

What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)

The USI is a code made up of 10 numbers and letters which is assigned to individual students and remains with the student for life. The USI is used to create a secure online record of your recognised training and qualifications awarded to you in Australia. You can access your online records by logging in onto the USI portal.

How do I get a USI?

You can create a USI by visiting https://www.usi.gov.au/ and following the instructions provided on the website.

If you already have a USI but you cannot remember it, go to https://www.usi.gov.au/faqs/i-have-forgotten-my-usi to recover it.

I already have a USI, what should I do?

When applying for a qualification ensure that you enter your USI correctly.

What happens if I do not have or do not provide a USI?

Without a USI we will not be able to issue you your qualification at the completion of your course. It is Skills Lab’s policy not to process applications where a USI is not provided unless you are an offshore participant.

What documentation do I need to complete to apply for a Skills Lab course?

You will need to complete an application form, a pre-enrolment review and a Language Literacy and Numeracy assessment.

What is a pre-enrolment review?

The Pre-enrolment review is an interview to ask you about your career aspirations, previous academic achievements, and expectations about the qualification you have decided to apply for. We will use the information to ensure to that the qualification you selected is the most appropriate for you.

Why do I need to complete an LLN questionnaire?

The LLN may be used in conjunction with the information included in the pre-enrolment review and the application form to ensure to that the qualification you selected is the most appropriate for you.

Do I need to provide proof of ID as part of the application process?

Yes, you will be required to provide a copy of your Medicare card and Drivers licence as part of your application process.

Do I need to have an Electrical Licence to enrol in any of the Skills Lab qualifications?

Yes, Skills Lab does require you to have a current Electrical Licence to enrol in the following courses:

• UEE31220- Certificate III in Instrumentation and Control
• UEE40420 - Certificate IV in Electrical - Instrumentation
• UEE40920 Certificate IV in Industrial Electronics and Control
• UEE43220 - Certificate IV in Industrial Automation and Control

There are a number of prerequisite units of competency that you need to have completed prior to commencing the units in these Skills Lab qualifications that are included in UEE30820 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician (or its equivalent).

What is meant by the terms Entry Requirements, Pre-requisite and Admission Requirements?

• Entry requirements stipulate whether there are any qualifications you must have previously completed in order to gain access to another qualification. They are set by the various Skills Service Organisations and are listed in each training package. Entry requirements are set at qualification level. If you don’t meet entry requirements for a specific qualification then your application cannot be accepted. There are no entry requirements in the UEE11 – Electrotechnology Training Package

• Pre-requisites are similar to entry requirements but are set at a unit of competency level. Each qualification includes multiple units of competency. In some cases, to start a particular unit of competency you must have already completed another unit of competency. Pre-requisites are also set by the Skills Service Organisation and are listed in the training package. An example of pre-requisites for the UEE training package is: “UEENEEI138A - Provide solutions to extra low voltage (ELV) electro-pneumatic control systems and drives - Pre-Requisites: UEECD0007 - Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace".

• This means that to start UEENEI138A you must have first completed UEECD0007 (this is the pre-requisite unit).

• **Skills Lab requires you to have some prerequisite units that are part of the Electrical Licence (UEE30811 - Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician) prior to enrolling in our qualifications. If you do not have these, you could still complete some of the units and upon successful completion, achieve a statement of attainment. To receive the full qualification, you would need to have successfully demonstrated competency and attained the other units as part of the UEE30811 – Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician or hold an Electrical licence.

• ***Skills Lab offers a number of short courses which are mapped to Units of Competency. It is possible to achieve the accredited units that these short course are based on if you hold the required prerequisite units.

• Admission requirements are unique to each training provider and detail the profile of the person that can apply for a specific qualification. Admission requirements are set according to the delivery strategy in use, the nominal duration of the qualification, and other compliance requirements training providers have to adhere to.

An example of Skills Lab’s admission requirements are that you must:

- Be an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Have general digital literacy skills and knowledge (basic principles of computing devices, skills in using computer networks, ability to engage in online communities and social networks)
- Be employed in a relevant industry

What are the accredited units that I could earn via Skills Lab’s short courses?

• Introduction to Automation – UEEIC0013 - Develop, enter and verify discrete control programs for programmable controllers

o The prerequisite unit for UEEIC0013 is UEECD0007 - Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace. Skills Lab are able to offer this unit if you do not already possess this

• Intermediate PLC – UEEIC0015 - Develop, enter and verify word and analogue control programs for programmable logic controllers

o The prerequisite units for this unit are UEECD0007 - Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace
o And UEEIC0013 Develop, enter and verify discrete control programs for programmable controllers

• SCADA – UEEIC0014 - Develop, enter and verify programs in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems

o The prerequisite units for this unit are UEECD0007 - Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace
o And UEEIC0013 Develop, enter and verify discrete control programs for programmable controllers
o And UEEIC0015 - Develop, enter and verify word and analogue control programs for programmable logic controllers

Do I need to have previous work experience to apply for a Diploma Level qualification?

Generally yes, you will need work experience to apply for a Diploma level qualification with Skills Lab. However work experience may be offset by the completion of a qualification at a lower level, like a certificate III in a related discipline.

I have just completed year 12 and I would like to complete a diploma level qualification to gain credits towards a bachelor degree next year. Can I apply?

Possibly – we are working on mapping this to tertiary associate degree and degree level with different Universities. More information on this will follow as it is confirmed.

How will you ensure my privacy?

We understand the importance of protecting the privacy of your personal information. We will not disclose your sensitive information without your consent unless there is a need to disclose this information in accordance with compliance or legislative requirements. For more information please see our Privacy Policy available on our website.

What will the statement of fees include?

The statement of fees will include some key information about your qualification such as the code, title and delivery method. It will also include a breakdown of the fees you will have to pay to finalise your enrolment. Please refer to the Fee & Refund Policy on our website for information about your rights and responsibilities including details about the withdrawal and refund process and a privacy statement.

When do I need to pay my fees?

You will be required to pay your tuition fees according to your statement of fees. Payment arrangements may vary according to the payment method you selected at time of application.

How can fees be paid?

Payment of course fees may be made by credit card, electronic funds transfer and/or direct debit arrangements. Formal acknowledgement of receipt of payment will be provided to the student within 14 days of funds clearing.

Do you have a payment plan option?

Yes. This can be negotiated on a case by case basis.

I have paid my fees. When can I commence my course?

This will depend on the course that you have chosen.
You will be sent your log in details for our online Learning Management System (LMS) after your fees being received.
For on the job delivery, the formal course commencement date will be agreed on a case by case basis.

Will I receive any reading material before the formal commencement date?

Your reading material and other resources will be provided to you electronically via our Learning Management System (LMS) on course commencement.

Can you provide hard copy of the reading material?

As our learning resources are available online through our Learning Management System, you can also access the content when not connected to the internet. This is our preferred method for learning resources to be environmentally conscious. If this is an issue, then we can discuss providing learning materials in a different manner on a case-by-case basis.

I have chosen the blended delivery method. Where will the classes take place?

Classes will take place at a Skills Lab training facility in your state. We will make sure you are informed ahead of time of the actual location of the class.

How will the webinars and our cyber physical training be delivered?

Webinars will be via an online system like Zoom or a similar platform. 

What equipment do I need to participate in a webinar?

You can participate in webinars via a laptop, desktop computer, tablet, IPad, IPhone or Android device. A high-speed internet connection is recommended.

What equipment do I need to participate in cyber physical training?

You will need a good internet connection and ideally two screens and you can be based anywhere. You will need to download Teamviewer and Go-To-Training and this will be emailed to you with the relevant passwords prior to commencement.

Is attendance to webinars compulsory?

Attendance is not compulsory but is highly recommended. Webinars are an important resource to help you achieve your learning goals.

How will I be supported throughout my qualification?

We provide various types of support. Our Learning Management System (LMS) is a very comprehensive learning resource. You can interact with it at any time and you will be able to get in touch with your trainer through the LMS via phone or email. Support will also be provided to you by the management and administrative staff of Skills Lab. You can get in touch with us at any time for any non-academic questions you might have regarding our qualifications, policies, processes and procedures.

What if I need additional support to achieve my learning goals?

The Skills Lab application process allows us to identify whether we will need to provide you with additional support to give you the best chance of achieving your learning goals. If we identify the need for additional support we will agree on any adjustments directly with you before accepting your application.

Are there costs associated with additional support?

It depends on the type of support required and whether the adjustments to the way the course is delivered and assessed is significant. We will negotiate additional support and adjustments directly with you before accepting your application and identify any additional costs at this point. For more information please see our Student Support Services policy available on our website.

How do I submit assessments?

Knowledge based assessments are submitted electronically via our Learning Management System (LMS). No printing or posting is required. Practical assessments will be conducted in one of our Labs, or onsite at your employer if that is financially viable to do so. The performance assessments may also be conducted virtually if required.

What happens if the assessment is scored “Not Yet Competent”(NYC)?

You will be able to re-submit tasks that have been marked NYC a maximum of three times. If a task is scored “NYC”, you will be provided with detailed feedback from your Trainer and Assessor which you should read carefully.

Will I need to pay to resubmit a task?

This will be assessed on a case by case basis.

What is Credit Transfer (CT)?

Credit Transfer allows students to gain credit for units of competency that they have already successfully completed as part of other qualifications.

How do I apply for Credit Transfer?

You can apply for Credit Transfer (CT) by ticking the appropriate box on the enrolment form. We will then provide you with a Credit Transfer application form where you will need to list the units of competency you would like to gain CT for. In addition, you will need to provide us with a certified copy of your Statement of Attainment or Certificate issued by an Australian Registered Training Organisation or Higher Education Provider listing the units of competency you wish Skills Lab to grant you credit for.

Do Credit Transfer (CT) units need to have exactly the same course code and name as the unit I’m applying for?

In order for you to be granted Credit Transfer, the unit of competency you have completed and the unit of competency you are requesting CT for must have exactly the same code and name. The only exception to this is if the two units do not have the same code and name but they are deemed equivalent. This will be the case when a new unit of competency supersedes an old one. We will be able to help you to determine this.

Do providers have to grant CT for equivalent units?

If the units are deemed equivalent by the Skills Service Organisation and proof of equivalency is available on training.gov.au then we will grant Credit Transfer.

Can I use a qualification issued in another country to claim Credit Transfer?

No. The qualification or Statement of Attainment you use must have been issued by an Australian Registered Training Organisation, TAFE or Higher Education Provider in accordance with the AQF guidelines.

Will you check my Statement of Attainment or certificate with the issuing provider?

Yes, if you apply for Credit Transfer we will contact with the provider that issued the Statement of Attainment or qualification to verify its authenticity.

What is RPL?

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is the process of recognising the skills and knowledge you have gained via your work experience, previous qualifications and life experiences, and matching these to the outcomes required to achieve a unit of competency.

Is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) a quick an easy process?

RPL is a great way of recognising what you have already learnt. If you apply for RPL, the training provider has to gain enough evidence to be able to map your existing skills and knowledge against the performance criteria, skills and knowledge of a specific unit of competency. To gain RPL you will have to provide a portfolio of documents that substantiate your claim along with evidence from referees/third parties and you may also be required to sit a competency interview.

What is the approach followed by Skills Lab for RPL?

You will be asked to provide a portfolio of workplace documents as evidence to show that you regularly display the skills and knowledge outlined in specific unit of competency. You will also be asked to provide us with a third party report completed and signed by your employer or another relevant person that can attest to your existing skills and knowledge. As a final step you will be asked to attend a competency interview with a qualified assessor to complete the process. Your portfolio of evidence, the third party report and the information gathered during the competency interview will be reviewed and a decision about whether to grant RPL or not will be made.

How do I apply for RPL?

To apply for RPL you need to indicate on your enrolment form that you wish to apply for RPL. We will ask you to indicate the units of competency you would like to gain RPL for and provide us with a copy of your current, detailed resume as well as evidence of any relevant qualifications and short courses you have completed.

Can I use a qualification issued in another country as evidence of RPL?

Yes, overseas qualifications can be used to support your RPL claim. You will also need to supply a variety of other evidence as outlined above.

Can I use non-accredited qualifications and professional development (PD) sessions as evidence of RPL?

Yes you can. Non-accredited qualifications and PD sessions can be used to support your RPL claim. You will also need to supply a variety of other evidence as outlined above.

What happens if I am not granted RPL?

If you are not granted RPL we will give you a detailed explanation supporting our decision. This explanation will contain all the necessary information for you to make an informed decision on how to progress. Sometimes the skills and knowledge gaps are minimal and can be easily filled by completing gap assessments. Where the skills and knowledge gaps are more substantial, you may need to undertake formal training and assessment for the whole unit.

My RPL was not successful and I need to do a gap training and assessment. Do I have to pay for this?

Yes. If you need to undertake Gap assessment you need to pay for training, assessment and administrative costs. The costs for this will be determined on a case by case basis.

My RPL was not successful and I need to undertake Training and assessment for the whole unit. Do I need to pay for this?

Yes. If you need to undertake training and assessment for the full unit you will need to pay the tuition and administrative costs.