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Industry Skills Accelerator (ISA) Micro-credentials

An industry driven approach to learning,
ensuring learners build useful skills that employers need.

Skills Lab NETM logo box (2)

Advance your skills

Skills Lab has partnered with the NSW Government under their Industry Skills Accelerator (ISA) to deliver a set of new industry-driven micro-credentials.

The Industry Skills Accelerator (Skills Accelerator) delivers short, targeted training courses called micro-credentials that allow workers to build the knowledge, skills, and experience employers need. Skills Lab micro-credentials offer excellent value, preparing workers and businesses for the jobs of tomorrow across key industries.


Skills Lab's ISA Micro-credentials

Skills’s Lab’s five ISA micro-credentials are tailored to support operators, electricians, and programmers as they navigate these new digital environments, and prepare them for what’s next. See the five micro-credentials below: 

Industrial automation has significantly changed in recent years through digitalisation and the resulting convergence of operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT).

Accessing sites remotely, rather than attending in person, is common practice while data is often now stored in cloud-based systems.


Intended Audience 

This course is best suited to electricians or those working in a similar field. 



Industrial automation has significantly changed in recent years through the convergence of operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT). Remote access to sites is now common practice as well as process data being stored in cloud-based systems.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, learners will be able to:

  • Understand and program industrial control systems using industry standard programming languages
  • connect and configure modern SCADA
  • understand good practices about capturing errors and responding to anomalies
  • fault find/troubleshoot within network architecture
  • understand what is possible with digital twins and mixed reality in the workplace.



There are no prerequisites for this course. 


Delivery Style 

All course materials and activities will be accessed through Skill Lab's learning management system and the training will be facilitated in real-time using our cyber physical capability. Our cyber physical training provides live, face-to-face training from your home or office while ensuring an authentic in-lab experience. Students gain supervised remote access to state-of-the-art industry equipment, just as if they were sitting together in the Lab doing all the required practical industry learning.



All course materials will be provided electronically using the Skills Lab online learning management system. 


Volume of Learning 

This micro-credential will involve a volume of learning of approximately 40 hours of student effort. 


To be confirmed

Digital badge and certificates

On successful completion of the micro-credential assessment tasks, you will be issued with a Skills Lab digital badge to recognise your achievement. 


Training Dates

To be confirmed


Industry Partners


nukon-Skillk-Lab-micro-credential-Partner      TilliT-Skills-Lab-micro-credential-partner


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Industrial automation has significantly changed in recent years through digitalisation and the resulting convergence of operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT).

Accessing sites remotely, rather than attending in person, is common practice while data is often now stored in cloud-based systems.


Intended Audience 

This course is best suited to electricians or those working in a similar field. 



Industrial automation has significantly changed in recent years through the convergence of operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT). Remote access to sites is now common practice as well as process data being stored in cloud-based systems.

This micro-credential equips learners with an understanding of the different hardware used in modern control systems, as well as the ability to troubleshoot the software and the incoming and outgoing signals.


Learning Outcomes 

Upon completion, learners will be able to:

  • connect and configure common control system hardware, such as PLCs, RTUs, radios, and edge gateways
  • understand common industrial communication protocols including their benefits and limitations
  • maintain, and fault find industrial automation hardware
  • fault-find and troubleshoot control system software
  • understand the value of data and using analytics to support predictive maintenance.



There are no prerequisites for this course. 


Delivery Style 

All course materials and activities will be accessed through Skill Lab's learning management system and the training will be facilitated in real-time using our cyber physical capability. Our cyber physical training provides live, face-to-face training from your home or office while ensuring an authentic in-lab experience. Students gain supervised remote access to state-of-the-art industry equipment, just as if they were sitting together in the Lab doing all the required practical industry learning.



All course materials will be provided electronically using the Skills Lab online learning management system. 


Volume of Learning 

This micro-credential will involve a volume of learning of approximately 40 hours of student effort. 





Digital badge and certificates

On successful completion of the micro-credential assessment tasks, you will be issued with a Skills Lab digital badge to recognise your achievement. 


Training Dates

12th to 16th August 2024


Industry Partner





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Industrial automation has significantly changed in recent years through digitalisation and the resulting convergence of operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT).

Accessing sites remotely, rather than attending in person, is common practice while data is often now stored in cloud-based systems.


Intended Audience 

This course is best suited to engineers, programmers or those with a background in programming or a similar field. 



Industrial automation has significantly changed in recent years through the convergence of operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT). Remote access to sites is now common practice as well as process data being stored in cloud-based systems.

This micro-credential provides learners with up-to-date knowledge and hands-on practical skills in industrial control systems, edge devices, and networking, as well as an introduction to machine learning.


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, learners will be able to:

  • program industrial controllers using industry standard programming languages
  • connect and configure an edge device to send process data from the plant to a cloud-based system
  • create dashboards and query process data in order to extract meaningful information
  • fault find and troubleshoot all aspects of the control system architecture
  • understand what is possible with machine learning in the workplace



There are no prerequisites for this course. 





Delivery Style 

All course materials and activities will be accessed through Skill Lab's learning management system and the training will be facilitated in real-time using our cyber physical capability. Our cyber physical training provides live, face-to-face training from your home or office while ensuring an authentic in-lab experience. Students gain supervised remote access to state-of-the-art industry equipment, just as if they were sitting together in the Lab doing all the required practical industry learning.



All course materials will be provided electronically using the Skills Lab online learning management system. 


Volume of Learning 

This micro-credential will involve a volume of learning of approximately 40 hours of student effort. 


Digital badge and certificates

On successful completion of the micro-credential assessment tasks, you will be issued with a Skills Lab digital badge to recognise your achievement. 


Training Dates

17th to 21st June 2024


Industry Partners


nukon-Skillk-Lab-micro-credential-Partner      TilliT-Skills-Lab-micro-credential-partner



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With an increasing need to minimise product loss and drive savings by leveraging Industry 4.0 trends, Skills Lab have created a new micro-credential to enhance the traceability of goods and supply chain visibility. 

This micro-credential covers the concepts of traceability in manufacturing, marking (barcode or RFID), verification and implementation of these systems in Industry 4.0 connected manufacturing environments.

Training will be delivered face to face using an advanced traceability work cell using Omron PLCs and verification equipment, however, training outcomes are designed to be relevant to all industry standards.


Intended Audience 

  • Tradespeople seeking career progression in supply chain roles;

  • Buyers and purchasers;

  • Cargo handlers;

  • Warehouse operators;

  • Supply chain specialists;

  • Industrial, mechanical and production engineers; and

  • Supply chain and manufacturing business owners, leaders and decision-makers 



Traceability is the ability to identify, track and trace elements of a product as it moves along the supply chain and includes information about raw goods through to finished products. In manufacturing, traceability improves efficiency and accuracy when processing large numbers of discrete items or transactions.

Through this micro-credential, learners will gain theoretical knowledge and the practical know-how to implement the traceability process with the use of technology.


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, learners will be able to:

  • Understand what traceability is, and use inputs to maximise outputs
  • Understand principles of supply chain traceability and domestic & foreign legislative obligations
  • Develop and implement a supply chain traceability strategy
  • Apply Industry 4.0 processes including data analytics, databasing and Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Understand risks and apply cybersecurity measures for traceability data protection



There are no prerequisites for this course.


Delivery Style 

All course materials and activities will be accessed through Skill Lab's learning management system and the training will be facilitated in real-time using our cyber physical capability. Our cyber physical training provides live, face-to-face training from your home or office while ensuring an authentic in-lab experience. Students gain supervised remote access to state-of-the-art industry equipment, just as if they were sitting together in the Lab doing all the required practical industry learning.



All course materials will be provided electronically using the Skills Lab online learning management system. 


Volume of Learning 

This micro-credential will involve a volume of learning of approximately 24 hours of student effort. 





Digital badge and certificates

On successful completion of the micro-credential assessment tasks, you will be issued with a Skills Lab digital badge to recognise your achievement. 


Training Dates

11th - 13th June 2024


Training Dates





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The complexity of asset management systems has increased over time requiring a different approach to managing these systems. Additionally, companies are challenged to develop more efficient and sustainable products to meet growing demands of consumers and, as a result, product design and manufacture has rapidly evolved in recent times.

A digital twin is virtual model of a physical object or system that spans its lifecycle and brings in learning and experiences from real world processes to update the digital twin model. Engineers and operators can view the digital twin to understand, in real time, how the asset or system is performing in the real world. Analysis of the data collected from the digital twin can also support decision-making based on predictions of how the asset or system will perform in the future.

Furthermore, the operational data provides insight to manufacturers to optimise the product design, improve manufacturing processes, and deliver sustainable products at a reduced cost.


Intended Audience 

Micro-credential 1: Introduction to Digital Twin

  • Managers (ANZSCO ID 1332)
  • Engineers (ANZSCO ID 2335, ANZ ID 2331, ANZSCO ID 2331, ANZSCO ID 3231, ANZSCO ID 233512, ANZSCO ID 233911)
  • Data Scientists
Micro-credential 2: Data Analytics for Digital Twin
  • Managers (ANZSCO ID 1351)
  • Engineers
  • Data Analysts

Micro-credential 3: Digital Twins in Operations

  • Managers
  • Engineers
  • Data Analysts
  • Systems Integrators







Digital twinning technology is being used increasingly in manufacturing and engineering for a variety of purposes, including testing and optimising physical systems during design, allowing remote monitoring and control of physical assets through automation systems and simulated testing. 
This micro-credential will introduce learners to key concepts, values and applications. Learners will gain knowledge and skills in how digital twinning can support business decision-making in an increasingly connected and data-driven world.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, learners will be able to:

  • understand steps for building a digital twin
  • guide the execution of the digital twin strategy
  • develop a roadmap for digital twins
  • build an organisational structure to support digital twin strategy execution
  • set up KPIs to measure progress of the digital twin implementation journey
  • engage service providers to address business requirements



To be confirmed


Training Dates

To be confirmed

Industry Partner








This micro-credential builds on fundamentals taught in the Introduction to Digital Twin course whilst focusing on data analytics for digital twins.

This micro-credential provides learners with the knowledge and skills required to store and analyse data for use in digital twin software.


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, learners will be able to:

  • understand types of data and database structures in the cloud
  • understand digital thread concepts to realise a digital twin
  • understand different data visualisation and analytics tools and use them to gain insights from the data
  • apply data driven decision-making
  • create a digital twin in the cloud
  • understand the value of digital twin technology



To be confirmed


Training Dates

To be confirmed


Industry Partner








This micro-credential builds on fundamentals taught in both the Introduction to Digital Twin and Data Analytics for Digital Twin courses whilst focusing on how to implement and monitor digital twins.

This micro-credential provides learners with the knowledge and skills required for implementing digital twins.


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, learners will be able to:

  • understand the benefits of digital twins
  • identify prerequisites for a digital twin
  • develop implementation strategies for an operational twin;
  • use behavioural twins for simulating physical systems
  • leverage digital twin technology with AI
  • use a process twin for scheduling and scenario optimisation.
  • understand connectivity with IOT and sensor data for an operational twin
  • use operational digital twin to monitor assets in real-time




Training Dates

17th - 21st June 2024


Industry Partner





1. Introduction to Digital Twin

No prerequisites required.

2. Data Analytics for Digital Twin

Introduction to Digital Twin or commensurate professional experience (3 to 5 years’ relevant work experience).

3. Digital Twins in Operations

Data Analytics for Digital Twin or commensurate professional experience (3 to 5 years’ relevant work experience).


Training Style 

All course materials and activities will be accessed through Skill Lab's learning management system and the training will be facilitated in real-time using our cyber physical capability. Our cyber physical training provides live, face-to-face training from your home or office while ensuring an authentic in-lab experience. Students gain supervised remote access to state-of-the-art industry equipment, just as if they were sitting together in the Lab doing all the required practical industry learning.



All course materials will be provided electronically using the Skills Lab online learning management system. 


Volume of Learning 

The Introduction to Digital Twin micro-credential will involve a volume of learning of approximately 24 hours of student effort. The Data Analytics for Digital Twin and Digital Twins in Operations will each involve a volume of learning of approximately 40 hours of student effort.


Digital badge and certificates

On successful completion of the micro-credential assessment tasks, you will be issued with a Skills Lab digital badge to recognise your achievement. 


Register Now

Short and relevant courses

The ISA's committed funding ensures Skills Lab’s ISA micro-credentials are free for learners during the initial stages of the ISA pilot.

In-demand skills

Build the skills and knowledge to apply to emerging roles.

Short and relevant

Short, specialised units developed by industry, for industry.

Skills-Lab-open-book-icon Short, sharp and shiny 45% of respondents would prefer ‘bite-sized’, intensive learning.1

1 Source: Deloitte


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